An old song said it this way, “what’s good for General Motors is good for the USA”. If you had believed that adage and put your trust in GM, then this past week has been a terrible revelation for you. According to Deusche Bank, GM stock is, well, worthless.
Psalm 20:7 declares: “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. “ It is always a dreadful mistake to place our trust in those things we create. Every time we elevate a person, a government, a corporation, or even a relationship to a position of trust, we set ourselves up for disappointment because no human endeavor is immune to the dictates of the human condition. We live in a fallen world. By God’s grace, lost people are not as evil as they could be. But we are fallen and we do fail: along with everything that we put our hands to.
Difficult times like we appear to be entering should never shake our confident approach to life. We have learned not to trust in chariots or horses or GM or our government. We have trusted and will continue to trust in the name of the LORD, our God. In our passage from this next Sunday Peter reminds us to live “casting all your care upon Him, because He cares about you”. Our God strides above our human condition. He is bigger than our problems. Why, He is more secure than GM! Where are you placing your trust these days?
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