Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to Spring!

It’s that wonderful time of year that is a study in contrasts in north Florida. It is beautiful, isn’t it? The trees are budding out; the birds are singing; the flowers are blooming.

But there is the flip side. All north Floridians drive the same color car: yellow. Pollen from the pines and live oaks is visible both from the car color to the sniffles of allergy sufferers. It is also dry. It doesn’t look dry because of all the green, but it is dry. Dry means the possibility of forest fires.

This contrast outside points toward the contrast in each of us. Rarely is life perfect. At the same time that we experience great happiness, we can have nagging little irritations. Or, at the same time that we experience great hurt and tragedy, we can be blessed by little things.

Christian living is a matter of choice. We chose to place the One who has demonstrated His ultimate care for us in the position of control. When the negatives come, we yield to His plan that demands our personal inconvenience or suffering. When the blessings come, we remember that it is not a matter of coincidence but of conscious giving on His part. And, we say, “Thank you”. Have you given thanks for His blessings today?

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