Saturday, May 06, 2023

The Normal Christian Life?

"The Normal Christian Life" is a book by Watchman Nee that explores the biblical basis for Christian faith and living. It emphasizes the centrality of Christ and the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The problem with the book is less the content and more the context. Here’s my issue: there is no “normative” Christian life.

Life is an individual pursuit. In fact, it is advertised as such by the Scripture.

Libraries are full of books. The content of each book is different, reflecting the desire of the writer to present content in a way that is personal to them. In the Christan life, there is an author. (The Greek word translated by the KJV translators is better translated “pioneer, source or founder”. Still there is truth and art in the choice of the KJV translators.) He, using the concept in Proverbs 3, makes a straight pathway for those who walk in trust. He, using the concept of the KJV translators, writes the story for each of us. It is incredible to think that the Creative Force of the universe takes his time over word choice, sweats in creativity over shading and overtones of experience, to create the storyline for each of us who actively pursue Him. The One the Scripture says will present the Church to Himself as a Bride without blemish is active in presenting each of us as the major character in the script that is our lives.

Often we are tempted to read the books being written that are the active lives of other believers. We read them before they are finished; we read them without knowing all the content of the chapters that create the tensions He plans to resolve. We evaluate such literary works from our own frame of reference and comfort with storyline. Each edition of the Author is being written in a fallen world that impacts the storyline of each book differently. He sets those stories in different places and with different influences. We are often uncomfortable with the settings of others. An example is the community of faith, where the Writer chooses the setting of faith.

Within the context of personal faith, each individual has the responsibility to attempt to parse God’s revelation and live as close to its dictates as possible. When the storyline of others has them living in an atmosphere dramatically different from what we understand, we often marginalize the story. There are places in the prism of God’s truth that are so radically different in color that they can make us uncomfortable. For me, there are movements of the Christian faith that are so far out of kilter that I cannot understand how a serious student can continue in them. Yet, I often wonder how I can minimize a setting where true devotion to the Author is obvious. I found myself in that position today when I read:

In the article, Josh Holdenried describes the short book written by Christ called Ian Lindquist. He summarizes the ending of the book this way: As a young husband, father, and educator, he had much to live for and much to offer. Intercessions and novenas were prayed in hopes that God would miraculously heal Ian of his sickness. But God had other plans; plans whose design Ian trusted completely by virtue of a faith whose cornerstone was firmly set long ago.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. (The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Heb 12:2–3). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.)

I suppose since the Author is active, enduring the contradiction of sinners against Himself (which would include the current writer), I need to make sure that I do not fail to glorify Him when I don’t understand the context and motivation of other works of faith but whose ending brings glory to Him. 

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