The New Testament was written to a moral environment that parallels our own. Paul would not have been surprised to hear that Brokeback Mountain leads the Oscar nominations, for example. Brokeback Mountain, is, according to politically correct publications, “the story of doomed love between two men poised to become the first gay-themed film to lasso the top prize.” No, Paul would not have been surprised since homosexuality is a perversion – common to his time – that reflects both a culture that has abandoned God and a culture that God is abandoning.
What might have surprised Paul is the extent of lesbian perversion among us. He noted in Romans 1: “For even their females exchanged natural sexual intercourse for what is unnatural”. Women tend to have a greater heart for God than do men. They have a stronger moral center. When the women of a culture begin to abandon their men, it is clear that judgment has begun to fall.
What can we do in the midst of such change? Two things will make a difference. First, we pray that God will change our culture. The problem is not that people of our culture practice homosexuality. The problem is that they do not have a relationship with Christ. Our prayer is that the convicting power of the Spirit of God that is able to make a person wise to salvation will fall over our land. Secondly, we live correctly in front of them. Roman culture did not prevail! Christian values prevailed because Christians lived the values that they proclaimed.